Ethiopian Civil War hits close to home for some students

By Joanna Selva Kumar In the spring of 2021, an internal conflict emerged in Ethiopia. This caused displacement, looting, deaths of innocent civilians and protests within the country. Amid this cauldron of chaos, TMU students Zawadi Wachemo, Yedonai Awano and Yohannes Abebe found themselves ensnared by the war’s repercussions.  Ethiopia, located in East Africa, isContinue reading “Ethiopian Civil War hits close to home for some students”

International students celebrate 25th annual progressive dinner

By Joanna Selva Kumar Thirty-six internationals’ students had their 25th annual progressive dinner which took place at the homes of TMU professors Claire Blackwell, Dr. Mitch Hopewell, Dr. John Beck and Dr. Todd Bolen on April 5. The event aimed to embrace community spirit and provide an opportunity for the international students to enjoy aContinue reading “International students celebrate 25th annual progressive dinner”

Students turn out for a special screening of “The Adventures of Robin Hood”

By Joanna Selva Kumar Professor Peter Shickle and Dr. John Stead screened the movie, “The Adventures of Robin Hood (1938)” at The Masters University in BSC 100 on March 21. This screening aimed to expose students to a film they might not otherwise watch.  The event also aimed to elevate students’ aesthetic and narrative values andContinue reading “Students turn out for a special screening of “The Adventures of Robin Hood””

Trusting in God’s Peace

By Joanna Selva Kumar In my Bible study, our leader asked us an interesting question: When you feel anxious, which verses do you turn to? Among all the passages in the Scripture that talk about anxiety, Philippians 4:6-7 is my favorite.  Amid the pressures and uncertainties that college life often brings, it’s natural to feelContinue reading “Trusting in God’s Peace”

Will there be a Disney Day replacement?

By Joanna Selva Kumar On Feb. 9, Benjamin Herb, the director of student life at The Master’s University (TMU), shared his thoughts on the replacement of Disney Day. The tradition was canceled as Disney’s convictions went against the school’s conscience, sparking a follow-up discussion on this decision and the future of campus events.  “I gotContinue reading “Will there be a Disney Day replacement?”

TMU holds international students’ event at MB2 entertainment

By Joanna Selva Kumar  On Feb. 2 at MB2 Entertainment in Santa Clarita, 30 international students from The Master’s University (TMU) gathered for their first international event of the semester. The event was initiated by the International Student Liaison (ISL) team and Brayden Campos, the university’s director of outreach and international student advancement. The event aimedContinue reading “TMU holds international students’ event at MB2 entertainment”