Practical campus safety tips

By Cora Machado Students on campus have silent heroes who keep the peace on campus. The security team allows students to roam campus with no trouble and occasionally get into buildings where they locked their laptops in after hours.  The security team over the years has consisted of army veterans, retired police officers, working studentsContinue reading “Practical campus safety tips”

Do you know the history of Halloween?

By Cora Machado Every year, churches borrow the idea of Halloween into a less dead-like tradition such as Trunk or Treat. This puts the perspective on how Christ-followers treat and use Halloween.  While the original tradition is to put on a grand gesture for the dead, most churches find it as a fun way forContinue reading “Do you know the history of Halloween?”

How can we defeat the “Fall Plague?”

By Cora Machado  It’s a clear sign that the Fall Plague has visited campus. This year the Fall Plague is none other than the common cold.  As students mix from different parts of the country and even the world, there are bound to be germs. The weather in California doesn’t help the petri dish thatContinue reading “How can we defeat the “Fall Plague?””