Practical campus safety tips

By Cora Machado

Students on campus have silent heroes who keep the peace on campus. The security team allows students to roam campus with no trouble and occasionally get into buildings where they locked their laptops in after hours. 

The security team over the years has consisted of army veterans, retired police officers, working students and more. Campus Safety keeps students safe with regular hourly checks at the dorms and parking lots. 

They direct traffic during major class hours and before chapel for those living in Placerita and other students. Their motto is: “Unless the LORD guards the city, the watchman stays awake in vain.” 

However Campus Safety cannot be everywhere at once. So here are a couple tips that can keep you and others safe:

Contact security for anyone trespassing;

Always contact security if you are feeling unsafe;

Don’t try and engage in anything that could cause you harm (ex. trespassing, fights, etc.);

Ladies can be escorted to and from dorms/canyon homes if they feel unsafe late at night; 

If you do walk late at night, be in groups of two or more.

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