TMU’s Career Services hosts its fall career fair

By Jeremiah Yonemura

The Master’s University’s Office of Career Services on Wednesday, Nov. 8, held its semesterly career fair at the Oaks Pavilion for students to make business connections and find a job.

Representatives from more than 50 businesses came to tell students about job openings and internships.  Companies included Carly Jean Los Angeles, Republican Rep. Mike Garcia’s office, Grace to You, Grace Community Church, Newhall School District, American Cancer Society, Six Flags Magic Mountain and more.

The events and production team set up tables, chairs, and canopies, and the Mustang Grill provided cookies and refreshments for the attendees and lunches for the business representatives.

Nicholas Hanessian, a senior Bible major, was looking for a Bible teacher position and spoke with local Christian schools.

“I think I very much could find a job.  I think there very much are very feasible opportunities.  So that’s a huge blessing that the fair has opened up that opportunity for us.  [I’ve] had great conversations so far,” Hanessian said.

Grace-Anne Janssen, a Canadian senior classical liberal arts major, was looking for a job in the United States.  She was able to get job interviews from speaking with potential employers.

“This career fair has been so helpful.  I was actually counting on it.  Without it, I don’t know if I would be as employable next semester or as available even because I wouldn’t have had the opportunity to see what jobs I want,” Janssen said.  “I would’ve just applied to something, just out of desperation.  So this is great!”

But the career fair is not just for seniors.  Students can find summer internships and jobs but can also simply learn about the kinds of jobs in different industries.

“It’s not just for people looking for a full-time job.  You can come, even if you’re a freshman, even if you already have a job lined up, and you’re a senior, and you know exactly where you’re headed.  The career fair is for everyone…,” said Hannah Mitchell, development and career coordinator at Career Services.  “So even if it’s not, ‘Hey, I need a job this instant,’ you can still find out about, and you can make connections with people, and you can learn more about what’s out there.  So just come, no matter who you are.”

Career Services hosts multiple events throughout the school year to prepare students to find a job.  These include resume and cover letter workshops and The Master Interview competition.

The spring career fair will be held on March 27, 10:30 a.m. to 2 p.m.

Published by Jeremiah M. Yonemura

My purpose here is to glorify God and enjoy Him forever.

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